Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Bigfoot Has Been Here!

It was some stroke of fate that I couldn't find the tire pump for my bike today.  I really wanted to go on a road ride down M-26 in the sunshine on this fine, sunny day.  But the tires were too low, and I couldn't find that darn thing anywhere.

Okay, then, Mr. Butters.  Let's go to the lighthouse.  We haven't been there for a while, and the winds are from the south, so it should be nice there too.

On our way down the "hill" towards the lighthouse gate, I heard someone alarm the forest of our intruding: the eagle.  Ooh, the eagle!  I chirped back.  When we approached its area, I was surprised to actually spot its nest -- it's been a while.  But there was no eagle in sight.

We wandered on down the usual lane to Lake Superior.  Oh, she was so sparkly blue today.  I took a moment of gratitude to be in her presence again.  As we meandered on our way, I saw tracks I have never seen before.  Not at the lighthouse, not anywhere in Copper Harbor.  I think they were from bigfoot!

I still don't know if I believe it or not, but here is a video of what I saw.

The only other tracks I could find after that could have been the same prints or from snowshoers on a different day.  I couldn't be sure.  Either he took the lakeshore somewhwere or swam.  Maybe he hopped on an ice float to Isle Royale!  Luckily we got back home safe and sound, without seeing a tall, long-haired beast.

I looked it up.  Bigfoot does like juniper berries... I wonder if he found my fort!  I will be on the lookout around town, and I'll let you know if there are any other sightings.

On my way back to the gate (as if I could concentrate on anything else) I heard the eagle again.  Then I looked up.  There it was!  It's on the top left corner of this shot, behind all the branches.  Definitely in the adult stages.  It was the only one I could see.

A mature eagle in its nest.

Well, maybe I can go on that bike ride later this week.  Who knows what will be out that way?


  1. Cool!! Call Hollywood! :-)
    Then again, do not do that. We do not want the UP to be cluttered up. :-)
    Fun Post, thank you!

  2. Neat video. You can't walk in a straight line with snowshoes on.. So.. must be something up there. stay safe.
