Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Three's Delight

I have three delightful things to tell you.

Friday night, just after midnight (okay, so it was Saturday morning then), I saw something large and black bulldoze into the woods after my headlights scared it. A black bear! It looked to be almost a 300 pounder. It was the first bear I've seen this year. I was pumped. But after talking to the teacher at the schoolhouse today, I learned they tackled the bird and deer feeders this morning. So they're not always graceful....

Today, on my walk to the lighthouse, I heard an eagle reek-reeking from the sky, so I looked up to find it. I didn't see the eagle right away, but I sure did see a big mess of sticks in a pine tree. Is that really an eagle nest? As I stared, down fluttered a huge bald eagle. Guess so! In respect of the eagle's privacy, I will not publicly announce where this nest is located. However, if you ever walk with me to the lighthouse, I'll point it out to you.

I saved the best news for last. (It's the best to me at least.) One week from this moment I will be in a place dear to my heart. A place that has no internet, no phone service, no automobiles, no sewer system, no bicycles, no bears and, best of all, no worries. I will be on a giant rock north of the Keweenaw. My favorite vacation spot: Isle Royale.

That's why I've been kayaking -- to practice for this two week trip. We (Brian, Rachel, Craig, Dan and I) are getting dropped off at Windigo Harbor (West end) via the Ranger III, and are padding East to Rock Harbor. Two weeks! I'm so pumped. This is the vacation I will meditate on to stay sane during the Summer.

I do regret, for your sake, that I will be unable to communicate with you during that two week duration. However, I have this handy dandy set up called a notebook and pen to ensure that my adventures are documented. I will share them with you when I return after May 18th.

Trust me, I will be thinking about you, as I do on every adventure I embark on -- mulling over in my brain what would be of most interest to you. I'll be in touch before I leave, but in the mean time, I sure have a lot of packing to do!

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