Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Aaaaand the Melt

So, yeah.  The snow is melting.  The good thing is that when the ground freezes after this, the trails and ski hills will have a solid base for more snow to fall upon.  That's sounds lovely.  Yes, yes it does.

I hiked up to Lake Manganese two days ago to see if it was frozen over.  Below is what it looked like.

With the temps in the forties lately, I would imagine more of the ice melted by now.

After Lake Manganese, Duce and I hiked down the Mango Trail.  I found some hearty friends out there.  The pipsissewa stay green and lush throughout the whole winter!  They are always green in the spring as well.  Here is proof.

With all the calm days we've been having, the freighters are out like mad.  Check out this Lake Superior Marine Traffic site to see who is cruising now.  If you hold your pointer over one of the ship icons on the lake, it will tell you which boat it is and how fast it's going.  Another way to make you feel one with Lake Superior!

Other than that, I'm still waiting for the final proof of my book, so it can hit the market soon.  Oh, and the lights look beautiful in the park.  I'll have to get a picture for you!

1 comment:

  1. if you don't have this site you'll like this one too.

