Tuesday, May 31, 2011

From the Bartender's Window

As I mentioned in my last post, Saturday was my first day bartending at the Harbor Haus for the season.  It was a wonderfully, steadily busy opening day when I looked out my giant window onto the Harbor.  The gray clouds loomed eerily, but I could still tell the sun was shining.  It cast that darkish greenish tint on the water.

While a couple patrons and I were looking at the noteworthy hue, it started to rain.  So picture this.  The lake is nearly glass (a rarity in itself).  The water and sky are a shadowy turquoise.  Suddenly you start seeing sparkles -- diamonds dancing on the water.  Raindrops like you've never seen before!  People in the restaurant were oohing and ahhing at this enchanting sight.

But the magic didn't stop there.  Soon after, a rainbow stretched from the gap in the Harbor into the heavens.  If that didn't get the guests all fired up, minutes later we saw TWO rainbows side by side.  A patron in the bar asked what I put in her drink to make her see two rainbows.  Oh, I wished I had my camera, but you know me with cameras.  If I ever see the pictures from the lady who took them that day, I will share the link in the comment section of this post.  But I'm sure they'll be sold for a million dollars instead.

The next day at work, what did we see?  Another rainbow!  All three of these spectral wonders stuck around for quite a while.  They were visible every time I looked out.  Ahh.

The next day at work, what did we see?  A black bear jumping into the lake for a bath off the east tip of Porter's Island.  Again, people were jumping out of their seats at the windows.  Man, I sure love my view at work.

1 comment:

  1. Amanda, you make me ill. Why should you have such fun at work? I'm stuck in a cubicle and you're enjoying rainbows! Now, that's just not fair! Yet another reason to get back up there for a visit. I haven't been to the Island since 2006 and I'm having a physical reaction to such a protracted absence. Ahh...maybe NEXT year. Keep the postings coming. At least I can enjoy the area vicariously through you.
