Saturday, May 25, 2013

Oh, Canada

I really didn’t know what I was getting into when I booked my writer’s conference trip to Ontario’s Algoma Country.  I had no expectations, and they were all exceeded.

First off, the members of the Michigan Outdoor Writers Association are an amazing bunch: down-to-earth, high-spirited and fun-loving.  I fit right in. 

Second, the crew at Ontario’s Algoma Country, who put this trip together for us, did an outstanding job.  They made sure we were uber-organized, visited their finest sites and ate until we turned into marshmallows.  Plus, they, and all the other Canadian folks I talked to while I was lost on the way to my hotel, were so sweet they made my teeth hurt.  I am writing an article about that.

So what did I do there?

At 9am-ish, we took the Algoma Central Railway 206 miles north of the Soo to Lake Wabatong, where we would spend three nights at Errington’s Wilderness Island Resort.  Kind of like being on Isle Royale except we had motor boats to cart us, a cabin with a fireplace to sleep in and a lodge with an exquisite chef to feed us.  We were spoiled, I tell you.

Though my camera ran out of battery power a few too many times, I did manage to get some footage.  It is all compiled in the video below.  Please, as an avid reader of this blog, let me know if you prefer pictures and video separate like in the past, or if you like the presentation style I’ve been dabbling in.  Your opinion matters!

A couple other guys saw a moose, but I did not.  We also saw lots of eagles, caught lots of walleye and pike, heard lots of loons, saw a couple sand hill cranes, saw a great blue heron and floated around many other waterfowl.  The wilderness was deep and rich.  My soul was at peace.  And, you know, it kinda reminded me of the Keweenaw!

Speaking of my homeland, all is well here!  Memorial weekend kicks off our busy season, so here we go!  Now if you'll excuse me, I better get ready for work!


  1. Awesome video, Amanda! You captured the trip. I vote for continued posts in this format that you do well in. Extremely jealous that you got the drumming and displaying grouse. I guess when I sit by the fire, I snooze and I looze. I'm happy my awesome stand-up paddleboard made it into the end of the show. ;) Have a great weekend! tp

  2. I like with the pictures interspersed between paragraphs, but if this way is easier it's fine too. I had an awesome bike ride up there today, and the company I was with was even better.

  3. I like pictures AND video!!
    Can't access the video at work, so have to wait until I'm at home for that part. So the pics will hold me!
