Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Hunter's Point Shore Revisited

Yesterday I was going to take Duce and the neighbor's puppy for a little walk.  But it was so beautiful out, and the dogs were having so much fun, that we ended up hiking the whole double lakeshore loop.  One of the neatest things I remember seeing was the Harbor -- frozen completely over -- if my eyes did not deceive me.  It looked like a skating rink!  But I wasn't going out there!

Today I drove down to the west end of town to drop off my recycling.  While I was there, Duce and I decided to check out Hunter's Point again.  Last time was so magical.

We took the short cut across the frozen harbor.  I saw 9 ice shanties out there.  I don't know if they were catching, though.

Then we got to the north shore.  Remember how I said that the shoreline changes quickly?  Well it sure pulled a fast one on me again.  The first thing I noticed different from my last post was that all the floating chunks of ice had washed out to sea.  The volcano remnants were still there, so the lake splashed right up to them.  

Today the wind was coming out of the SSE, though, so the water was really still.  Man, if we had some rocking north winds, those things would be erupting!  I will be on the lookout for that day... and I won't forget my camera!

Some of those big mounds of ice were cracking too.  Huge cracks, where the edges hang over too heavy. Some smaller pieces already fell in the lake.  Chunks as big as dingies were bobbing along the edges.  It was so neat to watch that I perched on the edge of an ice mound and gazed out for a while.

That scene never gets old, no matter what time of year.  I love the sound of the water blooping under those ice mounds.  Today, the reverberating waves were bigger than the ones coming in.  Really a treat out there today.  I can't wait to bring someone out there with me!

Otherwise, it actually looks like winter up here today!  It's snowing!  Let's hope it keeps on coming!

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