Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Northern Lights and a Book Well Written

Guess who was out Saturday night: the Northern Lights!  Some friends and I watched them at about midnight from my new porch.  What a glorious sight.  They were the white ones that did slow shooting peaks higher and higher as they spread horizontally across the sky.  The moon was smiling on us too.  What a night!

All is well, otherwise.  Not too many visitors in da Harbor during this week.  It's kind of that lull time before school is out.  Plus the weather has had periodic storms.  It's nice to have the rain, but not if you're camping!

I do want to tell you that I finished writing my book.  As far as I'm concerned, at the moment, I plan to call it "Slices of da Harbor.  Copper Harbor, Michigan" because it's from the perspective of so many people, places and things around the area.  I hate to say that the project is on the back burner since other schedules have taken over, but I'm proud that I got it written before my creative juices are squirting elsewhere.

My next step is finding a publisher, and I have some ideas to query.  As far as printing quantities go, if you know of any one (business or other), who would be interested in multiple copies of such a book, please let me know, so I can estimate the quantity amount.  I'm really excited about this project, and I hope you are too!

Okay, I better hit the sack.  Another busy day tomorrow!

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