Saturday, March 21, 2015

Back and Waiting

Thanks for your patience with me while I consistently leave you hanging.

I never thought that being a mother would come with so many hospital visits.  As you can tell, my life is on hold while I try to get this little boy feeling the best he can.  It will still take some work, but he is doing well.  Thank you to everyone who sent me good thoughts and kind words.

We are back in da Harbor.  It's lovely, really.  With a slight warm up in temps, I am able to push a stroller around town and get B acclimated to Harbor life.  I know he is going to love it here.  He is already a lover of life in general.  Despite his medical hardships, he is smiley, observant, focused, strong, playful and adventurous.  A bit stubborn too -- a good survival skill for the U.P.

I really wish I could update you on things, but I don't know a whole lot!  The snow is melting.  Many areas around the bases of trees are already exposed ground.  The sun shines occasionally.  The wind howls from time to time.

The lakes almost look as if a person could skate on them.  With recent melting and refreezing, the tops are smooth.  I would love to adventure out there, but, well, do I really need to explain myself right now?

So I can't wait for more springy weather.  My little boy will get to go out with me as I wander the trails and look to see what's blooming.  Oh my gosh.  Wildflowers!  What a welcome site they will be!  My heart smiles just thinking about it.  

Though I have not had time to write anything more than a to-do list lately,  a couple of my articles have been published within the last couple months.  Check out the Great Lakes Pilot for my award-winning essay titled "Whichever Season is Next."  That is in Volume 10 Number 6, 2015 on the front page!  And remember last year when I went to Big Bay for the Becoming an Outdoors-Woman classes?  Well that article was published in the February, 2015 issue of Traverse Magazine.  Yeah, Traverse.  Pretty cool, huh?  They called it "Women Gone Wild."  I am proud.

Okay.  Mr. 20-minute-napper is awake, so I must tend.  I really hope to get out for something fun soon, so you don't give up on me!


  1. I hope Braeden and his mom and dad are recovering nicely. Will you be at the CHTC party in Hancock on Wednesday?

  2. Hey Rich! We are well so far! I hope to see you Wednesday.
